Saturday, January 3, 2015

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Birthdays

A lot has happened in the past three months, so there will be a lot of pictures to follow.  But first, the updates.

Rose turned 3 on November 2.  She's now mostly potty trained, only wearing diapers in bed and at church (where the restrooms are in a separate building).  She continues to impress with her constantly growing vocabulary.  She loves to help around the house, and is starting to make friends with the neighborhood kids.  Her favorite songs include the Frozen soundtrack, Push It, Santa Baby, and a few other Christmas favorites.

Jacob turned 1 on December 30.  He's crawling, furniture walking, and climbing stairs like a pro.  Every once in a while, he'll test his balance without holding onto anything, but he's still a little ways away from walking on his own.  (Of course, now that I say that, watch him start tomorrow.)  His growing vocabulary includes Ma Ma, Da Da, vroom, num num, uh oh, plus some others that we probably haven't caught onto yet.  He loves table foods (when he's not teething); he definitely has the appetite of a Katricak man.

Onto the pictures!

Playing Pooh Sticks with Daddy

How tall?  84th percentile!

Gavin photobombs the Slovak Club Halloween party

Pinata destroyed!

Pumpkin gutted by Mommy, designed by Rose, and carved by Daddy.

The birthday girl

What do you mean, "leave the letters there"?

She's cute!

Faster, Daddy!

Rose decorated the tree all by herself this year (in case anyone wondered why only the bottom third of the tree was covered).

You're so smart, you rig up these lights!

Jacob wasn't so sure about Santa, but he got a lot closer than Rose or Gavin did.

What just happened?!


"Rose, can you come here for a second?"  "I'm not Rose, I'm Elsa!"

Hammer, prayer book, silver dollar, or shot glass?

Jacob faked for the prayer book, gave the silver dollar to Daddy...

...and took a drink from the shot glass!

Unfortunately, since he's been fighting a new molar recently, Jacob didn't have much of an appetite for his cake.