Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nineteen Weeks - Tiny Arms and Legs

This past week we went in for our third ultrasound. This is the big one where we could have found out the gender. We'd be lying if we said we weren't curious, but we still want it to be a surprise.

The baby is really coming along. Right when the tech put the probe on Erin's belly, there was a spine as clear as day! The technician was able to zoom in and see all four chambers of the heart, beating along 150 times per minute.

Below is the left lower extremity, aka the leg.

Here's the right upper extremity, aka the right hand. There are four tiny fingers right in the middle of the picture.

Baby was stubborn (takes after his dad) and wouldn't let the tech or the doctor get a good shot of his or her face. But here's a side view (we think) with the head on the left and torso on the right.

Eleven Weeks - Second Ultrasound

Just shy of 11 weeks, we visited our OB and came away with more ultrasound pictures. That's our baby floating on the left like an alien in stasis. If you look closely, you can already see the little arm and leg buds forming.

Eight Weeks - We're Pregnant! and First Ultrasound

After a positive pregnancy test (Erin's astonished reaction: "Come here! Look at this"), Erin went in for blood work and found that we were already seven weeks along. A week later, we went in for our first look at the baby.

That's our little one on the right. The tech was nice enough to label what the little blob is, in case anyone wasn't sure. A few days later, we presented this picture in a "Life is better with grandchildren" frame to announce the big news to our parents.

We're Having a Baby!

Baby Katricak is due November 3. Boy or girl? We're going to be surprised, but everyone seems to think that it's going to be a girl. Thank you for joining us on our journey to being first time parents!